Friday, October 19, 2007

Why???(Part 2)

Hi and welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like to say something first...very long din't post something lor so pls read this hole thing...

1.Why alot people like holidays then school but they become boring and nothing to do???As if
   you like holidays and all u do is...stand around????

2.Why must almost allover the world boys are humsup??Whats so good about it???

3.Why must have ghost,vampire and etc etc???why???And they are not real too...???

4.Why must there be things like like wierd stuff on number 3???

5.Why ALWAYS must go school and not study at home???

6.Why must we all be in diffferent class at the first at school???

7.Why we needpepsi and coka-cola????They both taste and are the same so why can't we have
   only one??????

8.Why must we buy things and we don't ever use it FOREVER???

9.How can they make paper out off trees???It's not like they grow them are they???

10.How can theymake money???

11.How can they make playsation , computer , gameboy , ipod , and other techno things with

12.How can they make microchips???

and thats all for WHY??? part 2............Don't disturb me now 'cous i think how and why on
number 11,12 and 2...mostlly all the time is number 11 and 2.

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