Thursday, April 2, 2009

Long time

WKWKWKWKW now i posting in school ^^
1st time i did post in school^^

Teachers noe ^^ so no need report^^

Pls download , install Ran n find me....lai la i not scared!^^
got lv 104 dun ply ply ar lai la i bored jor


1 comment:

Jack123 said...

Upgrading the server for the requirement of few hours in an year is utterly meaning less. These is an solution for this where for huge payloads timely you can increase or even decrease the server, optimum utilization of resources. BSNL Cloud This can be done using Cloud Technologies. The major apprehension is all about the data security of the organization over the network/internet. Here the major surge can be absorbed only by the Govt. organizations like BSNL, which can ensure the data security over the network.